Should i put my dog in a crate at night?

Dogs are like kids. They need to be given a place of their own, and they need to know who’s in charge. If you don’t give your dog an area of his or her own, he may decide that the entire house is his domain, which means big trouble for you. And if you don’t...

Dog Bed Vs Crate

Our dogs have used both dog crates and dog beds and have had different responses to both. Some dogs love their crate and see it as their own personal space while others are more hesitant and see it as a place of confinement. Dogs that are hesitant about crates may do...

4 Reasons Your Dog is Scratching Bed

Dogs are interesting pets and you may have found them scratching their beds and have wondered why they do that. Having had a dedicated dog that burrows and scratches her bed furiously, I am sharing this guide to assist other pet parents who wonder why their dog is...

Dog Sleep in Crate with Door Open

There are many ways to crate train a dog. One of the best is to start by putting the dog in the crate for short periods, and then gradually lengthening the time it stays there as you work your way up to leaving them confined for longer stretches. This will teach them...

Are Dog Beds Necessary?

If your dogs always sleep on the floor instead of her dog bed, you may be wondering whether dog beds are really necessary. My dog used to sleep on the floor and on the sofa a lot, leaving the comfort of her bed. As it turns out, dog beds are actually quite necessary –...