Dogs are interesting pets and you may have found them scratching their beds and have wondered why they do that. Having had a dedicated dog that burrows and scratches her bed furiously, I am sharing this guide to assist other pet parents who wonder why their dog is scratching her bed.

4 Reasons why your dog is scratching her bed?

  1. Natural dog activity: Dogs have a natural instinct to dig and scratch. They may be trying to make their bed more comfortable, or they may be trying to bury something in their bed.
  2. Marking her territory: Another reason your dog may be scratching her bed is that she is trying to mark her territory. When dogs scratch, they release pheromones from their paws which help them to mark their territory and make it feel more like home.
  3. Anxiety: If your dog is scratching her bed excessively, it could be a sign that she is stressed or anxious.
  4. Allergies: Excessive scratching can also be a sign of allergies or other skin problems. If you are concerned about your dog’s scratching, please consult with your veterinarian.

What to do about dog scratching her bed:

If your dog is scratching her bed excessively, there are a few things you can do to help.

  1. Provide a scratching post: If your dog is scratching her bed because she is trying to mark her territory or make herself comfortable, providing a scratching post may help. Scratching posts provide an acceptable place for your dog to scratch and can help to redirect her scratching behavior.
  2. Consult your veterinarian: If you are concerned about your dog’s excessive scratching, consult with your veterinarian. They will be able to rule out any medical causes and provide you with advice on how to best manage your dog’s scratching behavior.
  3. Give her a calming bed to reduce anxiety: If your dog is anxious or stressed, giving her a calming bed may help to reduce her scratching behavior. Calming beds are designed to help soothe dogs and can provide them with a sense of security.

Why do dogs scratch the ground?

The main reason why dogs scratch the ground is to mark their territory. Dog release pheromones from their paws when they scratch, which helps them to mark their territory and make it feel more like home. Additionally, dogs may also be trying to make their bed more comfortable or bury something in their bed when they scratch the ground.

If your dog is scratching the ground excessively, it could be a sign that she is stressed or anxious. If you are concerned about your dog’s excessive scratching, consult with your veterinarian. They will be able to rule out any medical causes and provide you with advice on how to best manage your dog’s scratching behavior.


Q: why do dogs dig on beds and couches?

A: Dogs dig on beds and couches for a variety of reasons. They may be trying to make their bed more comfortable, or they may be trying to bury something in their bed. Additionally, dogs may also be trying to mark their territory when they dig on beds and couches. When dogs scratch or dig, they release pheromones from their paws which help them to mark their territory and make it feel more like home. If your dog is digging on your bed or couch, you may want to provide her with a scratching post or consult with your veterinarian to rule out any medical causes.

Q: my dog is whining and scratching bed, what could be the reason?

A: If your dog is whining and scratching her bed, it could be a sign that she is anxious or stressed. Additionally, if your dog is scratching her bed excessively, it could be a sign of allergies or other skin problems. If you are concerned about your dog’s scratching behavior, please consult with your veterinarian.